Antiques PR Publicity Announcements News and Info
Antiques PR Publicity Announcements News and Info

Wayne County Antiques Show

Locals, tourists and visitors are all welcome to the 46th Annual Wayne County Antiques Show. This enjoyable event is sponsored by the Women’s Club of Honesdale. It boasts of being the first Antiques Show held in the area this summer. The dates to save for the show are Saturday, July 12, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, July 13, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The show will take place in the Wayne Highlands Middle School, located on upper Grove Street in Honesdale. The school is air-conditioned. Homemade refreshments and lunches will be available. Tickets are $6 per person and $5 with a discounted coupon or ad.

Over 50 quality dealers will have booths displaying for sale: art, jewelry, coins, crystal, art glass, silver, furniture, books, quilts and collectibles, and more. Also featured will be expert fine glass and crystal repair, including glass cutting and chair caning repair. Items that need repair can be brought to the show and after examination, if possible, may be mended on the premises.

Returning to the antiques show this year will be two popular artisans, Paul Nulton from Hallstead, Pennsylvania, and Louise Brennan of White Mills, Pennsylvania. Paul is a master craftsman who is capable of working magic on damaged pieces of fine glass. Louise has been a chair caner for more than 20 years, and is an expert at her well-honed craft. The Hospital Auxiliary will present “Attic Treasures” in consignment rooms featuring a wide variety of merchandise. The sale of local artists’ work is another popular feature of the show.

Funds raised at this event are used to support a scholarship program for local High School Seniors, local charities, fire companies, art and literature in the schools, as well as an ongoing program for the beautification of the community.

For further information, contact the General Chairperson, Paula Roos, at (570) 253-2492.