On January 29, 30 and 31, 2009, the Glen Ridge Antiques Show will mark its 63rd year at the Congregational Church in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. Thirty fine dealers of country and formal furniture and accessories will be coming from several states to display their collections, and they invite you to this important fundraising event.
The show opens with a Preview Reception on Thursday night from 6:30 to 9 p.m. ($12 at the door). This party to thank the advertisers and sponsors is open to the public, and its proceeds at the door will benefit the Women’s and Children’s Initiative at Integrity House, Newark. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres will be served. The show continues on Friday, January 30, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Saturday, January 31, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Tea Room and Pantry Corner will be open in the afternoons and dinner will be available ($12) on Friday evening. Homemade luncheon ($8.50) will be served Friday and Saturday. Personal appraisal service by John Clark of Manahawkin, New Jersey, will be offered at $3 per item on both afternoons in the show’s main room.
The antiques show has been a sparkling winter social event for a long time in New Jersey and is the oldest antiques show presented in Essex County. It brings a unique opportunity to visit the past in an attractive, informal setting. Chairs Ellen Auborn, Norma Batastini and Kevin Curtin will welcome everyone to this celebration of antiques steered by over 12 energetic committees. The involvement and focus of 150 volunteers on this important fundraiser will make all proud to be part of it. Call a friend and plan to attend together.
The church is located at 195 Ridgewood Avenue, at Clark Street, two blocks from Bloomfield Avenue and bus and train service. On-street parking is available. The daytime phone number is (973) 743-5596. Visit the show’s Web site at www.glenridgeantiques.com, for more information.