A very rare 2-inch signed Daum Nancy toothpick holder, with a winter scene decoration and in fabulous condition, sold for $2,700 at a multi-estate sale held April 4 by Woody Auction, based in Douglass, Ks. The auction was held at the Holiday Inn Airport West in Earth City, Mo., a suburb of St. Louis. The toothpick holder was one of over 430 lots that changed hands at the sale.
“For what it was – an unassuming toothpick holder you wouldn’t expect to sell for all that much money – it did exceptionally well,” commented Jason Woody of Woody Auction. “It was a tribute to the piece’s rarity and condition.” Mr. Woody said about 70 people attended the event and there were around 40 registered absentee bidders. About 170 online bidder numbers were assigned, through Proxibid.com.
“We had a light turnout for the preview the day before the sale, so I was a little nervous about how well we’d do,” Mr. Woody said, “but by the time the opening bell sounded at 9:30 in the morning, a nice crowd had assembled and everybody settled in for a good day of spirited bidding and healthy prices realized.” Headlining the event was the estate of Patsy Cary, a dedicated glass collector from Illinois.
The top lot of the sale was a beautiful 16-inch signed Daum Nancy three-color cameo corset-shaped vase with a nighttime tree and lake scene ($3,750. The piece was exactly as featured in the book French Cameo Glass, by Blount. The second highest earner was a gorgeous 27-inch Pairpoint reverse painted table lamp ($3,500), with 16-inch “Seville” shade with tropical foliage and parrot scene décor.
A rare, 10-inch signed Handel ball-shaped hanging hall lamp (#6996), with original hardware and fine parrot décor, brought $3,400; a must-see original kerosene cranberry hobnail light fixture set on a fancy brass frame soared to $3,200; and an outstanding pink opaque quilted hanging lamp with matching font fancy brass frame with two opaque faceted cut jewels, electrified, commanded $3,100.
An extra nice 12-1/2-inch signed Galle two-color cameo vase with white and lavender branch, leaf and blossom décor went for $2,100; a 7-inch German figural stein with a graphic of a man with scars wearing an eye patch, with a lithophane village scene base, topped out at $1,800; and $1,800 was also realized for a signed, fish bowl-shaped Galle vase, smoke-colored, with fancy enamel floral décor.
A pair of lots fetched $1,200 each. The first was an 8-inch signed Devez three-color cameo vase, boasting a beautiful cottage, lake, mountain and vine scene in pink, yellow and blue. The other was a 6-1/4-inch French cameo vase, signed G. Raspiller, with a quality engraved leaf, branch and pod décor. Also, a 10-inch signed Devez three-color cameo cut vase with mountain, tree and lake scene hit $1,000.
An 8-inch figural German bisque miniature lamp with matching shade, showing a cherub lying on a pillow holding a base with two cherubs on the shade, reached $1,075; a 2-1/2-inch R.S. Prussia jewel mold two-handled toothpick holder with green trim, opal jewels and melon eater décor hit $800; and an 8-1/2-inch Czechoslovakia (beehive) portrait plate with portrait of a young woman made $800.
Woody Auction’s next big event will be the sale of The Mr. & Mrs. James Wright Collection of R.S. Prussia, to be held Saturday, May 23, at the St. Charles Convention Center Junior Ballroom (lower level), beginning at 9:30 a.m. A preview will be held Friday, May 22, from 4-6. The Wrights, over the course of their long and fruitful lives, collected many fine pieces. Other consignments will also be sold.
Then, on Saturday, July 11, also at 9:30 a.m., an Antique Auction will be held, at the Sedgwick County Extension Center (4th Hall), in Wichita, Kan. Sold will be pottery, Wave Crest, period furniture, art glass and more. And on Saturday, Sept. 5, also with a 9:30 a.m. start time, Woody Auction will present the sale of The Allan Waldron Collection of American Brilliant Cut Glass, in St. Charles, Mo.
Woody Auction is always accepting quality consignments for future sales. To consign an item, an estate or an entire collection, you may call them directly at (316) 747-2694. Or, you can e-mail them at [email protected].
To lean more about Woody Auction, log on to www.woodyauction.com. Information and photos for the May 23, July 11 and Sept. 5 sales will be posted as the dates draw near.