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Antiques PR Publicity Announcements News and Info

The Antiques & Fine Art Dealers & Auctioneers – Business Ratio Report Focuses On 75 UK Companies

Research and Markets

( has announced the addition of the “Antiques & Fine Art Dealers & Auctioneers – Business Ratio Report” report to their offering.

This Business Ratio Report compares the financial performance of the leading players in the Antiques & Fine Art Dealers & Auctioneers sector, offering a quick and cost-effective competitor analysis tool for senior management.

Ratios are an invaluable tool for comparing the performance of companies on a like-for-like basis. Using ratios, the relative profitability, growth or debt levels, for example, of differently sized companies can be directly measured or compared with ease. This Business Ratio Report focuses on the performance of key players in the Antiques & Fine Art Dealers & Auctioneers industry. Having closely analysed the sector, our editors and analysts have compiled the largest companies, so you don’t have to. A Business Ratio report is, in effect, a complete financial reference for the sector.

What you can look for when reading your Business Ratio Report:

Trends The results given in a Business Ratio report generally cover at least the previous three full accounting years, therefore any fluctuations in any area can be easily pinpointed

Benchmarks The average results for each ratio together with the industry profile of the average company in the sector can both be used as benchmarks to compare individual company performance.

Size All the major companies in the sector are ranked on the basis of sales, profits, total assets and employee numbers (PERFORMANCE LEAGUE TABLES – Section 4). The largest and smallest of the key players can be easily identified, while the relative size of any company can be assessed.

Growth The average annual growth of each company’s sales, profits, total assets and number of employees over the three-year period being analysed is calculated and ranked (Performance League Tables – Section 4). This key information highlights strong and weak performers, which companies are expanding or losing market share, increasing or decreasing asset investment, or taking on or shedding employees. The industry results are also given for comparison purposes.

This information is perfect for all kinds of planning and decision-making including:

Competitor Analysis The depth of financial analysis provided on each company in each report offers you a comprehensive insight into the performance of individual businesses over recent years. The performance ratios let you easily identify the financial strengths and weaknesses of competitors in terms of profitability, liquidity, gearing, efficiency and employee performance

Simple Benchmarking A Business Ratio Report is ideal for benchmarking your own company’s performance. You can choose to benchmark your company against a major competitor, or assess the overall industry average performance. And you can focus on the criteria that are important to your business, such as profitability, employee performance or sales growth. Setting realistic performance targets becomes easier for you; with Business Ratio Reports, you will know that they are based on solid facts about your industry.

Tracking Performance Trends With at least three years of financial data for each company and the entire industry you can identify performance trends instantly.

Identifying Acquisition Targets Business Ratio Reports make it simple for you to identify potential acquisitions. You can easily find companies fitting your criteria using the Performance League Tables.

A Business Ratio Report takes the hard work out of financial performance analysis. You are left free to focus on using the vital information it imparts to drive your business forward.

This summary brings you a sample of key details from this invaluable Report. The Report itself includes many further analyses of the performance of individual companies and the industry as a whole.

The Report provides in-depth financial analysis on these companies in these 4 clear sections:

Performance League Tables
Individual Company Profiles
Industry Overview
Industry Averages
This Business Ratio report focuses on the leading 75 companies operating as Antiques and Fine Art Dealers, and Auctioneers.

The Report analyses company and industry performance over the three years up to 7th July 2008. During this period, the average Report company experienced a 45.5 percent increase in turnover, with sales rising from £14.5 million in 2005/06 to £21.1 million in the third analysis year. Pre-tax profits also followed a positive trend, gaining 160.3 percent to reach £3.1 million in 2007/08 from £1.2 million in the initial year of review.

Key Topics Covered:

Industry Overview:

A clear, concise commentary gives you an overview of the industry’s financial performance. Graphs and tables make it easy for you to spot performance trends.

Company Profiles:

This part of the report provides information on all the companies included in the analysis. To make comparison between companies easier, the information is presented in a standard format for each:

Contact Information:

Trading address
Telephone & Fax numbers
Company secretary & directors names
Company Structure:

What the company does
Who owns the company
Which are the major subsidiaries
Accounting/Financial Data:

Profit & Loss accounts for the previous 3 or 4 years
Balance sheet for the previous 3 or 4 years
Performance Analysis:

Financial ratios grouped according to profitability, efficiency, debt, employee performance and growth.

League Table Positions:

How the company performs relative to all the others in the sector

Performance League Tables:

This section ranks companies on a full range of financial ratios. All the tables are listed in order of ‘best’ to ‘worst’ results to help you gauge which are the strongest companies on any criteria. In addition, each table brings you the ratio result for the sector as a whole, so you have a benchmark ‘average’ for comparison purposes.

Industry Profile:

The Industry Profile lists basic Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet data for the ‘average’ company in the sector. This can then be used as a benchmark for comparison with individual company profiles in the report.

Companies Mentioned:

Alan Cristea Gallery Ltd
Bernard Silver Co.Limited
I. & J.L. Brown Ltd
Canonbury Antiques Ltd
Daniel Katz Ltd
Finart Ltd
Fine Art Society PLC (The)
Frost & Reed Ltd
Gary Wright Antiques Ltd
The Halcyon Gallery Ltd
Hamiltons Galleries Ltd
Howard Ricketts Ltd
Ivor Braka Ltd
John Martin Of London Ltd
Lane Fine Art Ltd
Malcolm Fairley Ltd
E.P.Mallory & Son, Ltd
Marylebone & General Fine Art Ltd
Nevill Keating Pictures Ltd
Old & Modern Masters Ltd
Paisnel Gallery Ltd
Partridge Fine Art Ltd
S.J.Phillips Ltd
Phillips, De Pury & Co. Ltd
Richard Nagy Ltd
Simon C. Dickinson Ltd
Timothy Taylor Gallery Ltd
Tomlinson Furniture Group Ltd
A.T.Watkinson Ltd
Wildenstein & Co.Limited
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