Antiques PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Antiques PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Antique Stocks and Bonds for German Scripophily Sale

HWPH, one of the biggest German scripophily auctioneers, offers more than 3,000 antique stocks and bonds within its two upcoming auction sales. The first sale (14th auction, November 8 – will be a pure online auction, the second sale – 15th auction, November 14) will be a public auction located in Wiesbaden, Germany. Both sales will be powered by Artfact InfiniteBidding, allowing users to bid live at home.

scripophily-auctionWhile Russian stocks and bonds still trend up HWPH is proud about offering several rarities here. One of the highlights of course will be the 1853 issued share of “Société du Chemin de fer de Zarsko-Selo”, which was nothing less than the first Russian Railroad. The train journey will begin with an opening bid of 9,000 Euro. A further rare and decorative item, issued by the more famous GUM department store in 1911, will start with 6,000 Euro.

Collectors of rarities relating to other countries will also find some really nice offers: Items like such of South Sea Company, Centennial International Exhibition (Centennial Board of Finance), Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road, Impresa Miniera l’Argentera or Real Compañia Guipuzcoana de Caracas are just a few examples for all the papers waiting to be discovered.

Of course there are German rarities too: A 1857 issued founder’s share of the famous German shipping company “Norddeutscher Lloyd” was never seen before. At least 16,000 Euro must be bidden for this unique item. Next to that a very decorative share of the “Norddeutscher Renn- & Traber-Club”, a trotter club located near Hamburg, will be called for 15,000 Euro. While Germans are not only drinking beer, but also collecting stocks and bonds relating to it, collectors’ hearts maybe will beat faster by a 1876 issued priority share of “Actien-Gesellschaft Bayrisch Brauhaus zu Dresden”.

Finally there are lot of chances to make some cheaper bargains too. More than 100 lots are set with an opening bid of 1 Euro only! “Of course this matter of fact is very interesting for people ‘hunting’ for good deals”, Matthias Schmitt, CEO of HWPH AG, confirms general thoughts. “Even if items selling for hundreds of Euros or Dollars in the past won’t sell for a buck now”, he adds – “but nevertheless we expect bidders having a lot of fun here.”

For further information visit or directly the English version of the catalogue at