Just Art Pottery recently unveiled its new ‘search by shape’ function for Roseville art pottery. As collectors know, it can become tedious when searching for a specific Roseville pottery shape. This new method allows users to view images grouped by their design. Book ends, trays, umbrella stands or vases can now be seen side by side, regardless of their patterns. The Roseville pottery ‘search by shape’ option is broken down into twenty-five categories.
Said Greg Myroth, “This is just another tool customers and collectors can incorporate when visiting our site and our extensive Roseville art pottery database, which includes up to 500 pieces or more at any given time. It just makes the experience more streamlined and focused as well as making new inventory easier to locate on the site”. The traditional search options are still available, including the search by Roseville pattern and search via new inventory features.
Since 1997, Just Art Pottery has offered a wide range of American art pottery lines, including Roseville pottery, Rookwood pottery, McCoy pottery and many others. It also offers online appraisal services, an article database and an online book store. JustArtPottery.com also accepts consignments and purchases American and European art pottery throughout the year. For more information, please visit the website at http://www.justartpottery.com or email Greg Myroth at [email protected]
Media Contact or Further Information – Greg Myroth, (309) 690-7966 or email [email protected]