Antiques PR Publicity Announcements News and Info
Antiques PR Publicity Announcements News and Info Guide Explains History and Styles

Santa Fe, NM –, a leading resource for Native American jewelry, has recently announced the release of its Guide to Native American Necklaces article. The purpose of this article is to educate site visitors through profiling the most popular styles of Native American necklaces, including pendant, choker, squash blossom, fetish, and beaded fashions. The article discusses the heritage, history and contemporary usage of each fashion style.

“We’ve found that people who love fashion and art have an inherent appreciation of Native American Jewelry, but might feel that they don’t understand the styles and heritages of the different pieces,” co-founder Matt Laessig explained. “To help them out we’ve decided to have our experts create educational guides for popular jewelry types like necklaces, bracelets, and earrings so that people can become more knowledgeable about and comfortable with Native American jewelry.”

About the Web site is an informational resource for people interested in learning about the beautiful art of Native American jewelry. provides expert articles and tips on subjects related to Native American jewelry