Carlton Hobbs, the long established international antiques dealer, reported that despite economic conditions, his first appearance at the American International Fine Art Fair, was very successful. “Having just returned from the American International Fine Art Fair in Palm Beach we were thrilled to find that the Financial Times had selected its photograph of our booth from among the 70 or so superb quality exhibitors to head its article on the show”, Carlton Hobbs said.
“We were delighted with the show and the FT article reflects that many other dealers shared our very positive experience. I believe it was the special effort made by every exhibitor as well as the relentless hard work on the part of the organizers, Lee Anne and David Lester, which made this show such a success despite the economic climate,” said Carlton.
Another important ingredient was the rigorous quality control ensured by the eminent team of museum vetters. A recent article in the Telegraph confirms “How to shop: Fairs, not auction houses. Quality is vetted independently, you can take your time, and even haggle with dealers” (Telegraph article “Reasons to keep smiling through the slump” February 5, 2009).
Carlton concluded, “With this in mind we much look forward to exhibiting at The Olympia International Fine Art & Antiques Fair, in London, which opens on June 4, and has become London’s preeminent destination event for antique collectors, interior designers and museums.”